Article (Blog post) 5: CBD consumers Switzerland

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Did you know that anxiety is one of the most common mental disorders affecting adults today? According to statistics, 40 million adults in the United States each year suffer from anxiety. Defined as a feeling of worry, unease or fear that can be mild, moderate or severe, anxiety can also come hand-in-hand with depression.

Here at uWeed we’re obviously big fans of natural remedies, such as CBD, for anxiety. While your first port of call when suffering from anxiety should always be a trained medical professional, there are several steps you can take to manage and reduce anxiety and stress on a day-to-day basis. These include lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, relaxation techniques and, as we mentioned above, natural remedies.

On the occasion of World Yoga Day, let’s take a closer look at the steps you can take for better mental health.

1. Eat healthily

  • Ensuring you have a healthy diet can help protect against many different diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. But not only: there is more and more proof that the way we eat affects our mood.
  • According to recent studies, consuming protein (i.e eggs, fish, tofu, red meat, pulses, grains and dairy products) is linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. The latter are brain chemicals that play an important role in maintaining

2. Consider CBD oil for stress relief

Is hemp oil good for stress and anxiety? If you’re considering using CBD for anxiety-reducing purposes, keep in mind that cannabidiol contains B-complex vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamine, which are part and parcel of the healthy diet we mentioned above.

But beyond its physical health benefits, does CBD help anxiety? Certain studies have shown that CBD and anxiety are a positive combination. Many users have reported that using CBD oil for stress relief enables them to bring their symptoms under control. This is why you’ll often see CBD products marketed as “CBD stress oil” or “relaxation oil”. When it comes to CBD dosage for anxiety, most sources recommend 300 to 600 mg per day.

3. Cut down on the alcohol and cigarettes

  1.  Many people find that a cigarette and a glass of wine calms them down after a long, stressful day. But while they might relieve
  2.  Tension initially, nicotine and alcohol actually raise anxiety and stress levels in the long term. Make an effort to significantly
  3.  Reduce the amount of alcohol you consume on a daily basis – the CDC recommends less than one drink a day for women, an
  4.  Less than two drinks a day for men. As for cigarettes, did you know that hemp plant-based tobacco substitutes enable you to
  5.  Enjoy the smoking experience, without the harmful additives? Get moving.

4. Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to manage anxiety on a day-to-day basis.

If you can’t commit to a full workout routine at this point, make an effort to integrate some light exercise into your daily routine. A brisk walk to the shops instead of taking the car, some gentle yoga stretches after a day in front of the computer or riding your bike to work are all great ways to get moving.

5. Take some time out

This one can seem obvious, but simply taking some time off to relax and practice some self-care is an important step towards reducing anxiety levels. Taking a break is important for mental health, so be sure to work some “me time” into your daily routine. Make yourself a nice warm drink, set your online status to “unavailable” and sit down with a nice book.

6. Practice mindfulness

Everyone is talking about mindfulness at the moment, but what does it actually mean? Mindfulness is an approach to life that involves paying close attention to thoughts and emotions without judgement. By doing so, we increase our ability to manage stressful and anxiety-generating situations without feeling overwhelmed.

Try to make mindfulness a daily practice. Research has shown that when practiced regularly, mindfulness can reduce the negative effects of stress and anxiety, such as insomnia, negative moods and poor concentration.

7. Get enough sleep

Feeling stressed and anxious? Your sleep schedule might be to blame. Research has shown that most adults need 7 to 8 hours of good quality sleep per night. Symptoms of insomnia include trouble falling asleep, waking during the night, waking too early in the morning, daytime drowsiness and an all-round anxious attitude to sleep. To improve the quality of your sleep, consider setting a healthy bedtime routine, making sure you spend enough time outside each day and avoiding blue-light emitting screens two hours before bed. Prescription medicine for insomnia is available, but comes with side effects and can be addictive. Natural remedies such as inhaling lavender oil before bed, a warm drink or CBD for anxiety can be interesting alternatives. uWeed is the biggest legal cannabis and CBD marketplace in Europe. We offer a wide range of high quality CBD products from reputable Swiss growers, and would be delighted to help you find the products that are right for you. To find out more, get in touch.

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